The Rio Negro Valley
The solid red line is the approximate course of the Rio Negro infamous in
history but helpful nowadays offering a slightly less boring drive across
Frigid Rituals in Life and on a Vespa Scooter
Invisible Power As if propelled by some magical invisible power I find
myself once again staring at my scooter in the snow. A vaguely familiar
frigid rit...
Tightrope or tight rope? NM
“One must walk a tightrope between the consent he must win and the control
he must exert” Or otherwise just hanging from the rope by a thin thread. I
The Shape of Oscars 2018
We're back on our bullshit again. Please put your hands together for the
Oscar article that needs no introduction! Except our lawyers have informed
us that...
Selling an electric car or motorcycle
At the moment it surely seems like electric vehicles are the future, and
according to industry titans competition is paramount. For the
average-income earn...
Everything I Need to Know.....
One of these days I'm going to write a book. Partially stealing from a
book that's already out there it's going to be titled "Everything I've
Needed to K...
Lookin' for Love
I am about to admit something that I never thought I would tell anyone. It
is something that I struggled with and was afraid of for a long time, just
New Blog
So i want to thank the few of you who follow me here for being a support.
I did however change my blog name
it is now
Id lo...
New bike in the family
So yea it has been a while since my last blog but that is life. My last
posting about our ride to Harrison Idaho was basically the last time our
*Main Entry: ka·putVariant(s): also ka·puttFunction: adjectiveEtymology:
German kaputt, from French capot not having made a trick at piquetDate: