I have recently gotten a very good job offer here in UT. It includes a hefty pay raise from what I am currently making, and part ownership of the business after three years.
It is a good thing...but now decisions have to be made...really big ones.
We are at the point in our lives where we really just want to settle down somewhere, buy a house, and just be in one place for a while.
We are not completely sure if that is here.
I hate to say it, well kind of, but it is looking like Oregon is more out of the picture than it once was. Being closer to family is at the forefront of our thoughts.
If I took this position we would be here a minimum of 3 more years...but do we really want to be here that long?
My wife and I have come to the conclusion that we don't want to stay in Utah, don't want to raise kids here, and are not going to buy a house here.
The people have issues, the school system is one of the worst in the nation, and the climate is not great.
But can we handle 3 more years?
Decisions will be made...
The Rio Negro Valley
The solid red line is the approximate course of the Rio Negro infamous in
history but helpful nowadays offering a slightly less boring drive across
20 hours ago