Friday, March 20, 2009

La La La lalalalalalalalala

So, with all this time on my hands I have been repainting my bike. Putting new brake pads on my wife's bike. Sleeping a lot, and planning stuff.

My bike is almost done, the fenders, and side covers are finished. All I need to do now is a final coat of paint on the tank, and two layers of clear probably 3 or 4 days...then comes the sanding, and buffing...
Also since we are moving across the entire effing country, and all of my family lives in the south west United States, they are throwing a big family get together.
Also, my cousin is getting married in the middle of May, in Phoenix. So...basically I am planning a 10 day motorcycle trip, before we drive across the entire effing country.

Starting in Salt Lake City, going to Las Vegas for a couple of days, then down to Phoenix for about 3 days, over to San Diego for a day or two, up to my parents in the High Desert, then back to Vegas for a night, before our final destination of SLC...then two days later we leave for can take a breath now.


irondad said...

So Portland is off the list?

Did you see my comment on moving photos in the blog? The ones in this post seem to be fine.

New job in Vermont, or just more chance of possibilities?

-Tim said...

Yeah, I did....did you not get my email?