within the next six months, well more likely four, I have to decide basically where I want to live. I need to figure out where I am going to do my externship for school, if I want to continue with my schooling, or if I want to go to Iraq for a while. I just found out I have an opportunity to be a chef there for 10k a month. I am stressing out a little bit, which is a big deal, because I do not stress over anything...grr...I hope I dont' pop...
So finals for my baking and pastries class are this week, and all in all, I am very happy with them. We aren't presenting anything until Thursday, and I am basically done prepping everything, all I have to do tomorrow is bake a cake, and make some cookies...then all the icing and stuff on Thursday morning....and all this on only 1.5 hours of sleep last night...I am going to bed early tonight...
Sleeping Around
We’re getting used to municipal campgrounds as we dawdle our way to
Mendoza. But we are still struggling to learn how to find our way. I know
that sounds a...
8 hours ago
Send me the 411 for the job offer for Iraq ... I might actually consider it :D
sure thing, if you are actually serious...most people think I'm freaking nuts...
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