I just realized my last blog was over a year ago. I am horrible. Well whatever, life is what it is.
So in the past year Sarah and I have moved to SLC Utah, had an amazing ski season, bought Sarah her own motorcycle, and decided to move back to Portland OR next May. My job is good, Sarah is enjoying massage, but also has a job at the local plasma donation center. She decided to get this job mostly because the economy is tanking. This way she has more stable income.
Regarding motorcycles, I currently ride a '90 Yamaha Virago XV1100, and we recently bought Sarah a '81 Virago XV750.
Sarah is slowly regaining her confidence on the road. Her first experience on the interstate was last Friday, she did fine, just isn't used to the speed yet.
Overall Utah isn't a horrible state to live in, it's just too hot. The biggest thing is it is just not Portland. We miss great beer, good live music, rain, green landscapes, and clean water and air.
The air quality here in SLC is horrible. I walked the dog today, and actually had trouble breathing.
Sleeping Around
We’re getting used to municipal campgrounds as we dawdle our way to
Mendoza. But we are still struggling to learn how to find our way. I know
that sounds a...
8 hours ago
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