Wednesday, December 03, 2008

I swear I am not crazy

Y'all gonna think I am nuts.
Our thanksgiving was spent in Colchester VT, and for the record, I have never been to Vermont.
It is a beautiful state, full of lush greenery, beautiful farmland, and scenic mountains.
We might move I said before, I am not crazy.
It is just a thought...


Ryan said...

The east is gorgeous, but from what I've heard the skiing is NOTHING like what you get out west.

Stephen said...

I lived just over the border from Vermont in Upstate New York. So many countless weekend rides through New England; yes I do miss that. New England is beautiful country, but I don't think that I could move back.

Ryan is right about the skiing. Ask almost any Easterner and most would probably agree that you live in Skiing Mecca right where you're at.

You're not crazy either, New England is easy to fall in love with.


-Tim said...

Yeah I know the skiing is not comparable to where I am now...but I have come to realize that my life won't always revolve around skiing.