Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I am lost? know how we have been all excited about purchasing a house, and the new job etc...well....
I have,I guess, been laid off. The restaurant is doing horribly, so they can not afford to pay me my salary. I can't say I didn't partly see it coming, considering how slow business has been over the last two months. Example: Yesterday we made a whole 200 dollars for the day...if this was an isolated incident it would be ok, but it is not. There have been many days like this.
Technically I am not fired, I have agreed to stay on for hourly pay, a much lower rate though. I guess it is better than nothing at all, but not by much.

What does this mean? Well the house we were looking at is not a financially smart decision anymore, unless I find a position within the next week or two that is comparable to what I had been promised.
If that doesn't happen, then we are most likely going to live out our lease until the end of May, and maybe move to Vermont.

All I have to say is that it is a good thing I am the kind of person who just takes life as it comes.

1 comment:

irondad said...

I am so sorry to hear the news. It's admittedly easier said than done, but keep a good attitude. There's some sort of karma that comes with the attitude that helps makes things work out.

I didn't know you were in the restaurant business. Should have guessed by the term Lindy Chef, huh?