Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bruges Waffles & Frites

So, as I am always looking for a new and interesting place to put food into my mouth , I stumbled across a great write up in the Salt Lake City Weekly about Bruges Waffles & Frites . I was curious because I had rode by this place on my way home the day before. So today, I tried them, and I will definitely be trying them again.

So this culinary delight is originally a Belgian thing...the owner and cook Pierre Vandamm, no relation to the horrible actor, is a nice guy with a great accent. He knows what he is doing, and does it well. The name of his place comes from his home town Bruges, Belgium. It currently claims to be the waffle capital of the world. Waffles and fries are sold by street vendors there, kind of like our down town taco carts here in Salt Lake City.
The place is small, with only outside seating, or a small bar with four stools inside, but that really doesn't matter. The food is great, the service is exceptional, and the price is right...

1 comment:

irondad said...

High praise coming from a chef, eh? I like Belgian beer, does that count?