Friday, April 10, 2009

I am always amazed

At how easily my body gets back into shape...Since ski season had started, I had been ignoring the gym. Since I had been skiing a couple of days a week, and running with our two dogs about 3 days a week, I had neglected my weight training regimen. But, 3 weeks ago I started up again...and I am always amazed at how quickly I get back to where I was 6 months ago, and already am seeing results. My body is amazing, I know that makes me sound like a pompous ass, but it is just the truth. I have been blessed with very good genes, thank you mom and dad. I am a true ectomorph. My daily caloric intake is upwards of 4000...yes you did read that correctly, 4000. I know, all you women hate me right now, no worries, I am used to it.
To be honest with you, it is actually hard to intake that many calories. I don't eat sweets, or junk food, so it is an incredible feat. Basically I eat 5-6 meals a day, and supplement with protein shakes in between. I eat breakfast twice, have a shake before lunch, lunch, a shake in the afternoon, and eat dinner twice.
It is tons of fun...of course there is also all the snacking in between meals..which usually ends up being some type of fruit. Ok, enough on this, time for second breakfast...peace

1 comment:

irondad said...

I don't even want to hear about it!